It's Halloween and we're staying in. It's been another tough week of balancing work, life, marriage and a bouncing baby. We're exhausted from it.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
It's Halloween and we're staying in. It's been another tough week of balancing work, life, marriage and a bouncing baby. We're exhausted from it.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Leaving little Bee...
So, I had to go to a conference in Detroit from Sunday to Tuesday. I didn't think it was going to be so difficult but it was very very very hard to leave Bee. DH took me to the airport and I was okay the whole ride until I had to leave. Bee was sleeping in the car and I started crying. Uncontrollably crying and I couldn't stop crying. The police were waving us on but I couldn't get out of the car. I kept kissing her little hand and wondered how DH was going to take care of her! I knew in my mind it was going to be fine but my heart was breaking. After blowing my nose a few times (10) I got out of the car and on the plane.
Bee was fine in my absence but definitely subdued. She played with her toys but did not do her happy scream or smile and deep giggling. She saved that for me!
Detroit is more attractive then I thought it was going to be. The Marriott Renaissance is on the River so you can see a gorgeous view of the Detroit River which runs into Lake Huron (I think).
The program at the conference was pretty strong full of very strong speakers. Penelope Trunk definitely stood out with her message of "spin," job hopping and finding yourself. Which is all fine and good if you have a ton of money in the bank or guaranteed health care for your family. But I digress.
Bee was fine in my absence but definitely subdued. She played with her toys but did not do her happy scream or smile and deep giggling. She saved that for me!
Detroit is more attractive then I thought it was going to be. The Marriott Renaissance is on the River so you can see a gorgeous view of the Detroit River which runs into Lake Huron (I think).
The program at the conference was pretty strong full of very strong speakers. Penelope Trunk definitely stood out with her message of "spin," job hopping and finding yourself. Which is all fine and good if you have a ton of money in the bank or guaranteed health care for your family. But I digress.
Myers Briggs Test...What are you?
ESFP - "Entertainer". Radiates attractive warmth and optimism. Smooth, witty, charming, clever. Fun to be with. Very generous. 8.5% of the total population. |
Your Profile
Here are the results of the Personality Type Assessment. If you are like most people, you will be impressed with how accurately these paragraphs describe you.
Extravert, iNtuitive, Feeler, Perceiver (ENFP)
ENFPs represent between 6 and 8% of the U.S. population
Curious, energetic, adaptable, and creative, ENFPs like considering unconventional approaches. They enjoy batting around ideas and finding creative solutions and are energized and intrigued by new possibilities and anything out of the ordinary. ENFPs tend to be talkative, enthusiastic, playful, and generally fun-loving people. Warm and caring, ENFPs have strong personal values upon which they base most decisions. Conversations with ENFPs can be very circular as they excitedly move from one topic to the next, making connections and associations. Unconventional and occasionally irreverent, they pride themselves on their uniqueness and originality. Optimistic, and spontaneous, ENFPs have a strong sense of the possible. For them, life is an exciting drama. Because they are so interested in possibilities, ENFPs see significance in all things and prefer to keep lots of options open.
ENFPs Tend To Be:
• Creative, resourceful & naturally curious
• Highly diplomatic consensus builders
• Perceptive about people; great collaborators
• Enthusiastic & inspiring communicators
• Able to "think outside the box" & see possibilities
• Adaptable; able to shift gears & change directions quickly
Career Satisfiers
All people are most satisfied and successful when using their natural talents in an environment that is consistent with their personality preferences and values. Research shows that ENFPs are most satisfied by jobs that provide the following:
• The opportunity to use their creativity to find solutions that help people
• Opportunities to work collaboratively with other fun, creative people
• Variety in the types of tasks they perform on a daily basis
• Friendly, supportive, tension-free environment
• Regularly expressed appreciation & recognition for their unique contributions
Then I got this as good career matches:
Great careers for ENFPs
Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is ENFP.
Advertising account executive
Career / outplacement counselor
Management consultant
Developer of educational software
Journalist / magazine reporter
Graphics designer
Art director
Copy writer
Corporate team trainer
Residential housing director
Human resources profession
Child welfare counselor
ISTJ - "Trustee". Decisiveness in practical affairs. Guardian of time- honored institutions. Dependable. 11.6% of total population. |
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Hats Hats Hats
Beanie is FERBERIZED! Poor poor baby. She is doing well. She went down at her usual time of 8:30 p.m. and cried for about 5 minutes. She woke up a few times but only a few cries before putting herself back to sleep.
Ferberizing is brutal for the parents. I think this is the beginning of the aging process. Each cry brings forth a new wrinkle because it's so painful to hear!
She loves butternut squash! Tonight she had steamed organic plums. She loved the plums even though they were a bit tart.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Little Bee is not sleeping...
So, little bee just went down to sleep at 10 p.m. We have been dragging her around and she's been off her normal schedule so, I'm guessing that's why she's so out of whack!
She had peas and barley and a tiny bit of apple tonight. She's not fond of the tart taste of the apple but she likes the vegetables and sweet potato.
I hope she can get through the night!
She had peas and barley and a tiny bit of apple tonight. She's not fond of the tart taste of the apple but she likes the vegetables and sweet potato.
I hope she can get through the night!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Jenn is gone...
It's been a whirlwind of fun with both Emo's doting on little bee. She is happy and tired. Tonight we went to go see a performance at George Mason with traditional Korean instrumentalists. It was an interesting and dynamic performance blending the old and new songs.
Bee stayed with Emo Halmunee and EmoBoo Halahbugee. She was sad and cried at first and then she got happy and played with Yo and EJ.
Unfortunately, her bedtime has been affected so she didn't go to bed until 11 p.m. I hope that she can sleep through the night from exhaustion!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Sleeps just like her mommie!
Bea sleeps just like me with one arm draped over her eyes. It's so amazing to see behavior that is innate and not learned at all. I can't wait to see more from her. Right now her favorite pastime is to blow raspberries (spitting everywhere!) and it's so cute.
She can also almost clap when you say, "Jjak Jak goong Jjak Jak goong." It's hillarious because J says it to her like my mom does.
6 month stats:
Bea's 6 month stats are: 28' long (95th percentile), 17.5 head circumference and 17.5 lbs. She is functioning perfectly except that her head development has not been even so she leans ever so slightly to the right. The doctor says that it's nothing to worry about so, we are stimulating her on her left side to balance out her neck muscles.
Who knew?
Who knew?
Eating Everything and Checking Out the World!

Well, little Bee is eating everything and checking out the world! She really enjoys her new Nuby cup. This cup is great. The drinking spout is made out of silicone. It's like the bite-down water bottles for adults but it's for babies. I have heard that sippy cups are bad for the teeth so this is a great alternative without having liquid go everywhere.
Bee enjoys her baths and holds on with one hand while she splashes around with the other hand.
We are trying to put her to bed earlier but now it seems that she will only go down around 9:30 p.m. and is still waking up around 12 a.m. and then anywhere after that from 2-5 a.m. I hope that this is a phase that she will grow out of soon.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Bee loves her Hammy!!
Well, she's 6 months now and we're not sleeping. She has a new habit where she is up every 2 hours and all she wants is the boob. She doesn't want to eat so, basically I'm her human pacifier!!! She has 2 bottom teeth so, I think she's done with the teething bit for a while.
So far she's tried: bananas, mixed green vegetables, apples, pears, and peas. She's partial to the sweets and definitely enjoys eating like her parents. Can't wait until she's ready for some real food.
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