We're pregnant! It's the beginning of the 8
th week and I feel great. We've had 2 sonograms and we've already seen the
babar grow. Right now I crave sweets--ice cream mostly. Things I don't want to eat are fish or beef. I can't eat that much at a time so I snack throughout the day on apples, yogurt,
pbj's, cheese, nuts and granola bars.
John has been great at being supportive and making the best banana milkshakes on the planet.
Currently, when I can't eat anything else I have a McDonald's cheeseburger. It's the perfect size and fulfills my protein quotient. Terrible huh?
WooHoo! Congrats Sandra and John!
yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how cool is that?!
John 형부 /언니 축하해요...
한국에서 지현이가.....
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