I got this from babycenter.com. I think it's quite helpful. I've bolded the ones I think really work. Of course trying to smile helps.
By the editorial staff
Approved by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board Pregnancy's a time of intense physical and emotional changes, and it's full of unknowns: Will I have morning sickness? How tired will I get, and how big? Plus, the rest of the world doesn't stop when you're expecting. There's work to show up for, meals to cook, and errands to do, as well as a new baby to prepare for.
The following tips, gathered from moms and moms-to-be, are designed to make your life easier during pregnancy. We hope they'll reduce stress, save you time and money, and help you stay in touch with the joy of being pregnant.
Staying rested
Fight fatigue
"Taking showers in the evening and sleeping an extra 45 minutes in the morning has helped a lot. You wouldn't think this would make much of a difference, but I really feel like I get enough sleep this way." -- Amber "I work full time and do a lot of errands at lunch before I get too tired. When I get home I have less to do and can relax or spend time with my toddler." -- Jodean
"A little bit of exercise increases my energy more than any nap I've ever taken." -- Jennifer
Work smarter
"I check in often with my manager. I work on my feet, and as the months pass, I've slowed down a lot. Taking small breaks helps a lot. She understands this, and doesn't seem to mind." -- Jennie
"I used lunch breaks at work to cat nap. Fortunately my office had a quiet lounge with a couch where I would curl up and snooze -- even 20 minutes worked wonders. Co-workers didn't mind leaving me alone. In fact, it became the pregnancy couch for a string of pregnant women." -- Kaitlin
"It helps to know your rights. I had horrible, debilitating morning sickness with both my pregnancies and was so relieved to learn I could take disability leave for the worst stretches and return to work for the last trimester." -- Zizi
Comfort and pamper
"Pamper yourself with fresh nail polish, lovely bath oils, or even a professional facial. These can go a long way in nurturing your spirit." -- Sara this one definitely. Get a pick-me-up ---that might be a massage, facial or mani/pedi.
"Rub natural massage oil on your tummy every day after your shower. It might be an old wives' tale that this prevents stretch marks, but it sure feels nice and luxurious." -- Bobbie
"I slept much better in the last trimester after I bought a body pillow. I could curl up on my side, letting the pillow support my back. It also helped to have a stack of pillows for propping myself up when I got night heartburn." -- MidgeFeathering your nest
Get help with the nursery
"We invited friends over to help us set up the nursery. We got pizza and beer (and soda for me) and made a party out of it. They helped paint and assemble furniture -- and even had a good time doing it!" -- Mary
Keep track of baby clothes
"I've washed a lot of baby clothes preparing for our little one. Using mesh garment bags to wash little socks keeps them together and saves time in searching for and mating matching socks." -- Angela
Maternity wear
Borrow, don't buy
"Swallow your pride and take all the used pregnancy clothes friends offer. It's silly to spend a ton of money on clothes you won't wear for long. Sharing clothes is a nice introduction to the camaraderie of motherhood." -- Greta
Easy meals, before and after delivery
Cook in bulk
"In the six to eight weeks prior to my due date, I cooked double batches of freezer-friendly meals so I wouldn't have to cook in the weeks after my baby was born." -- Catherine
Make cleanup easy
"At the beginning of my third trimester, I started stocking up on paper plates, cups, and disposable cutlery. On days when I'm wiped out, we have 'picnics' at the dining room table. This saves time and energy that would normally be spent at the sink or emptying the dishwasher. This will be useful when the baby comes, too." -- Angela
"Frozen entrees and food from the deli department at your local supermarket are wonderful. You can have a quick, relatively healthy meal with minimal clean up. Pre-made salads and roasted chickens are especially convenient." -- Heidi
Get ready for takeout
"When I was pregnant some of my girlfriends went around my neighborhood picking up every takeout and delivery menu they could find. They presented them to me in a folder with a gift certificate for one of the restaurants. We ordered from that folder nearly every night for the first two weeks that my daughter was home." -- Linda
Emotional rescue
Share the ups and downs
"Get together with other expectant moms or people with young kids -- it's incredible how sharing the ups and downs of pregnancy and new parenthood can keep your sanity intact." -- Allison sharing with my new mommie group has been a dream. I don't feel alone anymore.
"Don't be afraid to show the wacky side of pregnancy emotions. A good cry or belly laugh does the soul good." -- MarlaTake notes
"During my first pregnancy, I felt like the biggest idiot on earth due to what I called 'pregnancy dementia.' I learned to carry a note pad with me at all times to write down even the smallest things. It really did help." -- PaigePlan for labor and delivery
"My first pregnancy and labor were quite difficult, and my daughter has developmental problems. I was very nervous with my second child, but my obstetrician and I worked out a labor and delivery plan that basically said I was to have a c-section at the very first sign of problems. It was kept in my chart, since we didn't know who would be on duty when I went into labor. This was such a stress reliever. I did end up having a c-section, and my son is fine." -- Maggie