Well, getting ready for another trip to the doctor's. The wound needs to be dressed again. Hopefully this is the last week of this and then I can start really healing. Yenna Elizabeth was up in fits and starts all nights. I was feeding her from about 1:30 a.m. -3:30a.m. Then John took her and held her while she was in and out of sleep. Our only explaination is that it was either gas or I pumped too much and there was no milk coming out? Hard to say. It was a difficult night.
The boys (harry and winnie) have been amazing. They are very interested in her and sniff her but show no signs or jealousy. Harry still just wants to snuggle next to me while I'm feeding Yenna E and Winnie is just content sitting on the couch near me. They are curious but gentle. They do not even jump on the swing or anything like that. We are so lucky!
I'm still not completely upright---I walk slightly bent over and it's still and strain to get out of bed. My appetite has been cut and I'm really not in the mood for anything. I still can't bend over to pick anything up and I'm still quite clumsy.
I have such little energy even changing Yenna Elizabeth is an effort.
I can't wait to start feeling normal...
Hang in there Sandra! She is beautiful! Aidan is 9 weeks!
Keep your chin up! You and John are doing a great job. Before you know it, you will be healed!
Your baby girl is so cute! I cannot wait till Yenna and Xavier can play!
-Buddy and Amanda
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