So, after the initial torture of having to ferberize in the first place, we have to do it again! Yes again. You have got to be kidding me. There is nothing more torturous than having to listen to your own child cry out for you. Bee does a little paddling motion, flapping around in her crib and looking at you, begging to be held in your arms. Dr. Ferber says to reassure, give a pat and then let the crying continue. So, Bee got her first tooth and we have to go through this whole agony again! I didn't think I was going to get wrinkles until I was 40 but listening to your baby scream for 45 minutes straight will get me there sooner.
On another note, I baked my first beets in the oven tonight! They look lovely and very very ruby red. I can't wait to put them in the blender for Bee's dinner. She really loves the Earth's Best corn and butternut squash . She eats that like a little champ! I just found out this morning that she does not bananas. She purses her little lips shut and doesn't open her mouth again until I put something else there. It's amazing her little personality!
It seems like she just wants to walk and not crawl. Even from a sitting position she tries to push up on her hands and then she jack knifes into a upside-down "V" position. Today, I took her hands in mine and she "walked" across the rug in the living room. I hope she doesn't walk for a while. It's so crazy fast how much she has already grown!
I'm still trying to balance out everything in my mind---work, housecleaning, cooking, making baby food, thinking about Christmas... I wonder how I did it before. I have no idea!
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