Well, I can't believe it but my little babar is 17 months old! She is very very active and verbose though sometimes difficult to understand. (most of the time). She has been weaned 3 weeks now and doesn't even ask for it anymore though she does point out that she has "juju" too! It's quite funny.
Today was the first day we instituted the "thinking chair." I guess it's time out but she doesn't quite get it. I yelled at her and she looked at me quizzically like, "yo, mama" what's up with that? It made me sad so, I will try to get it together. Usually she is so good but today she kept jumping on the couch and I was really afraid that she might fall. She's already had a few bumps and fat lips from falling and it makes mama very very sad.
It was a an exciting weekend of staying over at grandma's on Friday night to a Saturday filled with errands to Toys R US and Costco! She insists upon sitting in the cart and I'm sooooooo grateful! I hope that this continues!
She is still on a steady diet of "gook and bap" which is soup and rice in Korean. I think her first intelligible words were, "gook, gook, and bap bap." She LOVES Korean food!
I also put her hair in pigtails for the first time. She's so grown-up looking and that makes mommy long for another little babar...
1 comment:
AHHH shes soo cute
hope you're having fun in hangook
love you and miss you
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