So, it's time to start re-training the puppies to stay off the furniture and off the bed. We need to get ready for the bambino and really need to concentrate on having separate human space and separate doggie space.
It was a good exercise this weekend at the in-laws because the dogs are already not allowed on the furniture. They got the message loud and clear so, they spent a lot of time on the ground laying near us. I am going to get a nice cushion for them so that they have their own space in the living room. Mr. H is very confused but Mr. W already spends a lot of time in the foyer or underneath the kitchen table so, I think he's okay.
Pauvre chiens!
Id love to know how you get the dogs to stay off the bed. We already know that the baby is going to have to share his space inbetween us with the pug.
Well, right now, their crate is in the bedroom so, we say, "crate!" and they go in for the evening. Mr. H prefers sleeping the rug in front of the bed but Mr. W always pitter-patters around the bed hoping that someone will pick him up. It's very sad for us but we're sticking to it.
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